Be a Sponsor
The MediaArts Club is planning for the annual Leading Edge Film Festival Spring 2023.
Unfortunately, we have had to put the breaks on our student-run film festival during the COVID pandemic. We look forward to another festival Spring 2023.
Our students and volunteers devote their time, talents and energy to helping keep the MediaArts Club running smoothly and effectively, and we are so grateful to them. However, not every part of what we do can be covered through students and volunteers.
We are actively looking for donations and/or sponsorships of all kinds, and they would go a long way to help us.
The annual Leading Edge Film Festival event requires a crew to produce, and we are seeking to award students prizes for their films. Donations such as prizes in the forms of gift certificates or items to give for prizes are always welcome. We are also looking for donations of food to feed the festival crew on the long day of the event. These donations are helping the students expand their knowledge and it gives them an opportunity to show people what they can do.
Sponsors will be advertised on all marketing materials for the event (poster, film festival reel, etc...). Donors can also receive a tax deduction receipt.
Thank you for your time and consideration. We are happy to accept whatever support you can give.
Please feel free to contact Marcus Gallegos for any further donation information -
If you need further information about the MediaArts Club, please see the Contact page for our officer/advisor information.
Thank you!