General Education Assessment
General education assessment reports should cover the previous academic year (e.g. June 2022 report will cover general education assessments from Summer 2021, Fall 2021 & Spring 2022).
The University of New Mexico general education assessment program is based on the NMHED 2019 statewide general education revision initiative. The UNM general education program adopts NMHED’s five general education essential skills. Throughout successful completion of the UNM General Education Curriculum, students develop the following five skills:
1. Communication
2. Critical Thinking
3. Personal & Social Responsibility
4. Information & Digital Literacy
5. Quantitative Reasoning
In order to assess the development of these skills, UNM will utilize essential skill rubrics developed by the NMHED. Slight modifications have been made to the rubrics to streamline their voice, application, and ease of use. Additional modifications included:
- adding numerical ratings to each performance category (e.g. 3 = proficiency)
- adding “No Evidence” performance categories
Please see the NMHED General Education Rubrics for reference.
Please see the UNM Office of Assessment site for more details.