Accessibility Services
Establishing Eligibility for Accommodations for Academic Adjustments on the Basis of Permanent Disability
University of New Mexico Valencia Campus students with permanent disabilities requesting academic adjustments or accommodations in their classes or other UNM sponsored programs or activities adhere to the following procedure:
- Students must demonstrate that their need for academic adjustments or other accommodations are based on their permanent disability by providing Equal Access Services documentation from a bonafide medical or mental health professional or diagnostician.
- The documentation must be timely and on professional letterhead stationary, and must include specific diagnosis which describes the nature of the permanent disability; it’s functional limitations in an academic environment as well as other university setting; and specific recommendations for academic adjustments or accommodations. The document must be signed by the medical or mental health professional or diagnostician.
- The documentation is presented to Equal Access Services personnel who will begin the process that leads to the timely provision of accommodations or academic adjustment for the student.
- Students must repeat their request for services each semester enrolled at UNM Valencia Campus.
Call to schedule an appointment at 505.925.8540 or connect with Sarah Clawson at
Accessibility FAQ's