Strategic Plan for 2012 -2017

Strategic Areas, Goals and Outcomes:

1. Increase Student Success

Increase the prospects of all students to realize their educational goals.

A. To improve student learning and, subsequently, success rates.

1. The success rates1 of ENGL 100 (developmental studies) students will increase to 70% by the end of Fall 2017 from a baseline of 58.7% in Fall 2014. Accelerated models, which would allow developmental students to enroll in a stretched version of freshman composition, will be piloted.

2. The success rates1 of college English (ENGL 111/112, 113, 110, and 120) will be increased to 65% by the end of Fall 2017 from the Fall 2014 average success rates of 56.52%. Use of stretch and studio college English curricula, proper student placement, and teacher training on retention and curricula will be implemented.

3. The success rates1 of MATH 100 (developmental studies) students will increase to 50% by the end of Fall 2017 from a baseline of 42.8% in Fall 2014. Accelerated models, including a new modularized computer-based instruction program, will be piloted; lecture-based sections will continue to be offered.

4. The success rates of Intermediate Algebra (MATH 101, 102, 103 and MATH 120) will increase to 60% by the end of Fall 2016 from the Fall 2010/Spring 2011 baseline aggregate of 55%. The Fall 2013/Spring 2014 aggregate was 57.4%.

5. The success rates1 of MATH 121 students will increase to 60% by the end of Fall 2016 from the Fall 2010/Spring 2011 baseline aggregate of 49%. The Fall 2013/Spring 2014 aggregate was 54.3%.

6. The success rates1 of CHEM 121 students will increase to 65% by the end of Fall 2016 from the Spring 2011 semester baseline of 57%. The Fall 2013/Spring 2014 aggregate was 61.8%.

1“Success rates” are determined to be a grade of “CR” or “C” or higher as compared to the total number of students enrolled in a section at census date.

B. To improve transfer, retention, persistence and graduation rates.

1. Student transfer rates1 in STEM degrees will increase by 30% by the end of the Fall 2016 semester from the current STEM transfer degree rate of 31%. This rate decreased to 29.7% during the period from AY2012 through AY2013.

2. The four-year rate of retention2 will increase from 68.3% (2008-2012) to 70% for the 2012-2017 period (Fall 2012 to Spring 2013 retention rate increased to 66.2%; Fall 2013 to Spring 2014 decreased to 63%); the four-year rate of persistence will increase from 49.4% (2008-2012) to 50% for the 2012-2017 period (Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 persistence rate decreased to 47.5%; Fall 2013 to Fall 2014 persistence rate decreased to 43.3%).

1“Transfer rates” in this case are for students in STEM degrees who transfer to another institution of higher learning (including other two-year institutions) in an academic year as a percentage of all Valencia transfer students.

2”Retention, persistence and graduation” defined as students in the categories of continuing (not on academic probation), credential rewarded (degree or certificate), transferred to another institution of higher learning.

3. Recruitment of women and men into career technical paths that are currently statistically under-represented by gender will reach a target goal of 36% by the end of Fall 2017.

4. Completion by women and men of career technical paths that are currently statistically under-represented by gender will reach a target goal of 24% by the end of Fall 2017.

C. To improve student completion, implement a financial literacy program to ensure students receive timely financial advice in selecting resources to complete their academics in a timely manner. An advisor will coordinate financial literacy workshops, to assist with disseminating information and promoting scholarship opportunities.

D. To increase and improve the utilization of new technologies, including LoboAchieve, UAchieve, LEARN, MyReports, and classroom capture to promote student progress, retention and persistence.

E. To expand career pathways by increasing industry-recognized stackable certificates by 25% from Fall 2012 to Fall 2017, from a baseline of eight programs in 2012.

2. Ensure a Quality Curriculum and Accountability for Teaching and Learning

Focus on academic quality, innovative teaching and learning practices, and program relevancy with a commitment to improvement of the curriculum through assessment of student learning at the course and program level.

A. To create new programs and courses based on community and industry needs and interests.

1. The Associate Degree in Nursing program, initiated in 2010, will continue to produce documents and revise practices during academic year 2015-2106, as needed, to support its candidacy for ACEN (Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing).

2. Integrated Information Technology (IIT) program will start by Fall 2016. IIT will be structured to offer certificates as building blocks for the IIT associate degree.

B. To have students, upon successful completion of a UNM-Valencia course, be able to demonstrate the stated learning objectives for that course.

1. For each course required for each degree program, the syllabus will include measurable learning outcomes that match the program student learning outcomes (SLOs). The syllabus will also describe what the student is required to do to meet the course learning goals. All instructors teaching multiple sections of the same class will share the same course objectives in student learning outcomes.

C. To create a culture of assessment that will pervade our campus, including the regular reporting of assessment data to Main Campus with a feedback loop to UNM-Valencia Division Chairs.

1. Faculty will share, through the Teaching & Learning Center seminar courses and/or Faculty Program Development Committee, how they modified their courses/programs to improve student achievement of program and course learning objectives. Faculty will report out once per semester, based on program assessment in the Fall and core course assessment in the Spring.

D. To improve teaching and learning by expanding faculty development and training.

1. 80% of full-time faculty and 25% of adjunct faculty will participate in some form of active learning training (through the UNM Center for Teaching Excellence, the Valencia Faculty Program Development Committee, or an external conference or workshop) by Fall 2017.

2. 50% of full-time faculty and 25% of adjunct faculty will participate in some form of training for teaching online and hybrid courses (through the UNM Center for Teaching Excellence, the Valencia Faculty Program Development Committee, Quality Matters, or an external conference or workshop) by Fall 2017.

3. 100% of faculty teaching online will be certified for online instruction by 2017.

E. To create a feedback loop from the Assessment Committee to Division Chairs that will provide information on assessment results regarding academic programs. Division Chairs or faculty members will provide information on assessment results regarding student learning outcomes in academic degree programs and courses at least twice per academic year.

F. To require computer literacy for students who register for online or hybrid courses, a survey will be administered and measured by faculty during the first week of class. Tutorials for online instruction will be available for students.

3. Invest in Campus Renewal and Sustainability

Continue investing in our physical resources to ensure a quality and sustainable learning environment.

A. To achieve long term stability through ongoing, comprehensive assessment, planning, financial oversight, and management of the instructional areas of the campus.

1. The Dean of Instruction and Director of Business Operations will assess the Strategic Plan on an annual basis to determine if we are, in fact, focusing resources on sustainable academic programs; programs that are not sustainable will be eliminated, curtailed or redesigned.

2. Recruitment strategies will be developed annually with an end to attract sufficient numbers of traditional-age students to ensure a minimum of 3% growth annually.

B. To develop and implement campus sustainability plans that will lead to the careful stewardship of human, fiscal and energy resources as well as promote campus advancement.

1. The Director of Business Operations will assess the Facility Master Plan on an annual basis to ensure we are incorporating cost-effective energy conservation and sustainable design principles to all new capital projects to meet LEED standards.

2. The campus community will be brought together in a Town Hall meeting to assess the Facility Master Plan and offer input each time the Master Plan is updated to assess the Facility Master Plan on an annual basis to ensure we are incorporating cost-effective energy conservation and sustainable design principles, including solar energy, to all new capital projects to meet LEED standards.

C. To strengthen and expand resource development and alternative funding efforts to increase private sector dollars to match Title V funds for endowments.

1. The college will include requests for endowment support in every Title III and Title V proposal and will meet the matching funds requirements set forth by the U.S. Department of Education.

D. To provide annual campus safety sessions for faculty, staff, and students.

4. Require Accountability

Promote a culture of transparency, honesty, integrity, and the highest of ethical standards.

A. To continue to develop an organizational infrastructure that enhances planning, performance, assessment, and public accountability.

1. The Strategic Plan and the Facility Master Plan will be updated on an annual basis to reflect accomplishment, changes in priorities, new initiatives, and budget on campus.

B. To refine budget process, seeking greater transparency, accountability and alignment of resources and priorities.

1. Changes in departmental budgets will be tied to documented, sustained changes in enrollment, planned enhancement of instruction or workload changes.

C. To ensure compliance with university, state and federal policies and procedures.

1. Training for personnel responsible for compliance in all appropriate areas required at least annually and as needed.

5. Expand Access to Students

Extend our reach by reducing barriers to enrollment.

A. To improve and expand educational opportunities to current and prospective students.

1. 100% functionality in instructional equipment will be ensured by the continual exploration of new options.

2. Planning for a West Side facility will remain on the Campus Facilities Master Plan for the foreseeable future pending approval processes.

3. Plans for a Writing Center that will assist students with all writing, including technical writing, will be developed.

4. Online and evening offerings will be increased by 50% (from the Fall 2012 baseline of forty-five courses) by Fall 2017 to facilitate program completion.

B. To market all that UNM-Valencia has to offer the community and local high schools.

1. The number of Adult Basic Education students who transition into college will increase by 10% by Fall 2017 from the baseline number of seventy-four for the 2010-2011 academic year.

2. An Early College High School program will be implemented with the School of Dreams Academy to allow students the opportunity to achieve an associate’s degree while still in high school.