2022-2023 Development Board
The Mission of the Development Board is to raise resources to support and promote excellence in education.
From left to right: Brittany Padilla, Elaine Lucero, Donna Holliday, Roberta Scott, Dr. Sam Dosumu, Sonya C. Moya, Jan Pacifico, and Joseph Romero |
Board President
Elaine Lucero, PNM
Board Vice-President
Andrea Cordova-Wolfe, BNSF Railways
Penny Griego, Bloom Flowers and Gifts
Donna Holliday, PNM
Ruth Huning-Gonzales, Huning LLC
Robert Lieske, Walmart Distribution Center 6084
Florence Madrid, Niagara Water
Michelle Merrell, Monaco Properties
Sonya C. Moya, Presbyterian Health Plan
Jan Pacifico, Tomé Gallery
Yvonne Sanchez, Rio Grande Financial Network
Roberta Scott, Former UNM-Valencia Advisory Board Member
Eloisa Tabet, Liaison for UNM-Valencia Advisory Board
Bradley Tomlin, NUSENDA Credit Union