Initial Review

Initial Review Workflow Process:

  1. In consultation with the Dean and/or Civision Chairs, the FOTRC Chair will determine up to ten courses for which the committee will conduct Initial Reviews each Fall/Spring semester.

  2. The Dean or Division Chairs will indicate which faculty member is to serve as Course Representative.

  3. The Course Representative and their Division Chair will be given notice by the Quality Assurance Coordinator before the end of the semester prior to the scheduled Initial Review.

  4. At the beginning of the semester in which review will take place, the FOTRC Chair will consult with the committee to determine review teams for the chosen Initial Reviews.

  5. The Quality Assurance Coordinator will send out the second email to the Course Representative alerting them of who the team is and that the team lead will contact them.

  6. Team Lead for each review will coordinate schedules for the team and set a date for the review to begin.Team Lead is responsible for logistics of how the review will be conducted.  Reviewers sign the completed review report.

  7. Once the report is complete, the Team Lead will send it to the Course Representative in case there are errors or misrepresentations that need to be cleared up.Once any corrections are made, the Course Representative also signs the report and returns it to the Team Lead.

  8. The report then goes to the FOTRC Chair for signature and is sent to the Quality Assurance Coordinator for dissemination of a final copy to the Course Representative and appropriate Division Chair for archiving and review follow-up.

  9. Revisions based on the Initial Review Report should be completed by Course Representative within one semester of receiving it.


See the FORM used in the Initial Review by the FOTRC team.