Standing Committees
Assignments & Descriptions - 2024-2025 Academic Year
UPDATED: 9.24.24
Standing Committees of the Faculty Assembly
NOTE: The composition of this committee is exclusive to tenured faculty and faculty on tenure track. Membership in this committee is "automatic" for these faculty members and, as such, there is no need to bid for membership in this committee.
The Tenure and Promotion Committee is a standing committee of the UNM-Valencia Campus as well as the Faculty Assembly and is charged with the responsibility of:
- Implementing the Tenure and Promotion Policies described herein (UNM-Valencia Handbook) and in accordance with the policies described in the UNM Faculty Handbook.
- Proposing, advocating, and implementing procedures consistent with this Tenure and Promotion Policy and the mission of Valencia Campus;
- communicating the policy, procedures and rationale of tenure and promotion to the Valencia Campus community, particularly the faculty;
- Planning, proposing, and helping fill new full-time faculty positions for tenure and promotion; and
- Reviewing and recommending, to the Dean of Instruction and to the Chancellor, rank or code advancement.
The membership of the Tenure and Promotion Committee shall consist of all faculty in the Tenure and Promotion system.
NOTE: The composition of this committee is exclusive to lecturer faculty. Membership in this committee is "automatic" for these faculty members and, as such, there is no need to bid for membership in this committee.
The Lecturer Committee is a standing committee of the UNM-Valencia Campus as well as the Faculty Assembly and is charged with the responsibility of:
- Implementing the Lecturer Promotion Policies described herein (UNM-Valencia Handbook) and in accordance with the policies described in the UNM Faculty Handbook.
- Proposing, advocating, and implementing procedures consistent with this Lecturer Promotion Policy and the mission of Valencia Campus;
- communicating the policy, procedures and rationale of lecturer promotion to the Valencia Campus community, particularly the faculty;
- Reviewing and recommending, to the Dean of Instruction and to the Chancellor, advancement.
The membership of the Lecturer Promotion Committee shall consist of all lecturer faculty.
- Creating and recommending all new curricula;
- Reviewing and recommending all proposed changes in existing curricula;
- Overseeing the periodic review of existing programs;
- Serving as a branch liaison with the UNM-Albuquerque Faculty Senate Curricula Committee;
- Overseeing assessment activities for core course and program assessment; and
- Serving as a branch liaison with the UNM-Albuquerque Provost's Committee on Assessment.
Curriculum and Assessment Committee membership will consist of:
- faculty representatives from all academic divisions
- Campus Registrar;
- Campus Library Director;
- staff member from academic advising;
- Dean of Instruction (ex officio); and
- student (ex officio).
The Curriculum and Assessment Committee’s chair will be elected annually from among and by the committee's voting membership.
Members of the Curriculum and Assessment Committee include:
Maisie Baca | 2025 |
Joseph Burgess, ex-officio |
Joshua Frank Cardenas | 2025 |
Anicca Cox | 2026 |
Jerry Godbout | 2025 |
Barbara Lovato, ex-officio |
Laura Musselwhite, ex-officio | |
Joseph Poole | 2025 |
Ariel Ramirez | 2025 |
Mindy Schwartz | 2026 |
Neil Schwartz (SGA President) | 2025 |
Jonathan Sims, co-chair | 2026 |
The Adjunct Faculty Committee was created to discuss and make recommendation on issues of importance to part-time faculty, in particular, but not exclusively. Membership composition is open.
Members of the Adjunct Faculty Committee include:
Lizeth Bustillos | 2026 |
Patricia Gillikin | 2026 |
Lily Intong, co-chair | 2025 |
Scott Kamen | 2026 |
Gabriela Peterson | 2026 |
Steven Romero | 2025 |
Natalie Sheppard, co-chair | 2025 |
Sue Taylor | 2026 |
Karen Walter | 2026 |
The Faculty Professional Development Committee is a standing committee of the UNM-Valencia Campus Faculty Assembly and is charged with the responsibility of organizing, implementing and evaluating appropriate opportunities for professional development.
The membership of the Faculty Professional Development Committee shall consist of three (3) faculty, including one (1) part-time instructor.
Members of the Faculty Professional Development Committee include:
Precious Andrew, chair | 2025 |
Andisheh Dadashi | 2025 |
Ariel Ramirez | 2025 |
The Faculty Program Development Committee is a standing committee of the UNM-Valencia Campus Faculty Assembly and charged with the creation, review, implementation, and maintenance of faculty professional development and other programs such as the Faculty Forums Program.
The membership of the Faculty Program Development Committee shall consist of four (4) faculty members.
The Faculty Program Development Committee reports to the Faculty Assembly at each of its meetings and to the FEC at the end of each academic year.
Members of the Faculty Program Development Committee include:
Anicca Cox | 2025 |
Piotr Filipczak | 2025 |
The Faculty Committee maintains the Faculty website on a regular basis, updates the Faculty website following each Faculty Assembly meeting, updates and maintains the Faculty Distribution List(s) for all email correspondence, and publishes the Faculty Newsletter. There should be a minimum of two faculty members on this committee; one member should have Web page design and coding skills.
Members of the Faculty Communication Committee include:
Precious Andrew, chair | 2026 |
Ian Burch, chair, faculty listserve | 2025 |
Michael Gonzales, faculty newsletter | 2025 |
Jordan Henson | 2025 |
Ana June | 2025 |
Alexa Wheeler, faculty website | 2025 |
The Faculty Handbook Committee creates and updates the UNM-Valencia Faculty Handbook according to the policies in Section F of the UNM Faculty Handbook.
Members of the Faculty Handbook Committee include:
Ana June | 2025 |
Andisheh Dadashi | 2026 |
Meghan Parry | 2026 |
Mindy Schwartz | 2026 |
The Faculty Online Teaching & Review Committee was accepted as a standing committee of the UNM-Valencia Faculty Assembly in October, 2015. Revisions submitted to UNM-Valencia Handbook Committee in February, 2019. Revisions approved by UNM- Valencia Faculty Assembly April, 2019.
The Faculty Online Teaching & Review Committee charge is to:
Provide and coordinate quality assurance peer reviews of all online and hybrid courses based on the Online Learning Commission (OLC) OSCQR (Online Scorecard for Course Quality Review) rubric and review process as approved by the FOTRC.
In consultation with Division Chairs, review certification of faculty who plan to teach online and/or hybrid courses.
Provide in-house training and workshops, or coordinate professional development opportunities for faculty teaching online or hybrid courses.
Maintain and monitor an introductory orientation module/course/workshop for students and faculty to become familiar with the current UNM-supported Learning Management System.
Seven faculty members. These seven members will come from at least three different divisions and include at least one adjunct faculty member.
Four ex-officio members. ONE Teaching and Learning Center representative, ONE Library representative, ONE campus OLC Coordinator, and the Dean of Instruction. An ex-officio member shall not serve as the chair of the committee.
Qualifications and term of service for committee members:
Members of the committee will be trained (or prior training will be confirmed) to conduct peer reviews of online and hybrid courses, and to provide training for other faculty.
Term of service for this committee will be three years. Duties of the committee members over the three years of membership will, in general, be as described below:
First Year: Complete appropriate training needed to conduct internal, and, as appropriate, subscriber managed quality reviews of online and hybrid classes. Help with other duties of the committee not having to do with review of courses.
Second and Third Years: Participate in at least two internal course reviews during the academic year. Other committee work as appropriate.
Third Year: Participate in at least one subscriber-managed course review as appropriate during the academic year. Other committee work as appropriate.
The chair of this committee shall also serve as the UNM-Valencia Distance Learning Coordinator (DLC) and shall receive one course release each semester while serving as chair and DLC.
A chair-elect will be selected by the committee members to serve in coordination with the chair for at least one year before the chair steps down from that position, with the understanding that the chair-elect will then serve as chair of the FOTRC for the next three years. The chair-elect will have served as a regular member of the FOTRC for at least two years before being selected as chair-elect.
Members of the Faculty Online Teaching & Review (FOTRC) Committee include:
Eileen Davis, ex-officio | |
Cindi Goodman | 2026 |
Kat Gullahorn, ex-officio and chair | |
Sarah Heyward | 2027 |
Audrey Morton | 2027 |
Laura Musselwhite, ex-officio | |
The Faculty Senate Representatives represent UNM-Valencia Campus as voting members of the Faculty Senate according to Article 1, Section 6(b) and Section 6(c) of the UNM Faculty Constitution.
"UNM Faculty Constitution, Article I, Section 6(b) states:
(I) There shall be one senator... from each school, college, or branch with a full-time academic faculty, elected by members of that faculty....No school, college, or branch with a full-time academic faculty shall have less than one senator.
“Voting members of the Faculty Senate shall be elected for terms of two years.... No one shall serve more
.than four consecutive years as a voting member. (UNM Faculty Constitution, Article I, Section 6(c)). And “...Faculty Senate election results must be received by the Office of the University Secretary no later than the last working day of the sixth week of the spring semester.”
In keeping with these policies, the UNM-Valencia Faculty Assembly shall elect a faculty senator and one alternate from among Faculty Assembly members as representative of Valencia Campus in the UNM Faculty Senate.
The UNM –Valencia Faculty Assembly shall elect these individuals either during the last Faculty Assembly meeting of the fall semester or the first Faculty Assembly meeting of the spring semester, preceding expiration of the term of the current Faculty Senator."
Faculty Senate Representatives include:
Justin Bendell | 2025 |
Joshua Frank Cardenas | 2026 |
Steven Romero | 2026 |
Standing Committees of Instruction
Members of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Committee include:
Lizeth Bustillos | 2025 |
Elisa DiMenna | 2025 |
Tammi Duncan-Teller | 2025 |
Piotr Filipczak, chair | 2025 |
Ben Flicker | 2025 |
Jerry Godbout | 2025 |
Cindi Goodman | 2025 |
Clifton Murray | 2025 |
Ariel Ramirez | 2025 |
Chuck Schick | 2025 |
Andy Taylor | 2025 |
Membership of the Equity and Inclusion Resource Group is open to all interested faculty, staff and student members.
Our goal is to provide diversity awareness to the entire community on campus and serve as a diversity resource for everyone which means faculty, staff and students, particularly the historically underserved student population here at Valencia such as:
- Student veterans
- English learners
- International students
- Non-traditional students
- LGBTQ individuals
Members of the Equity and Inclusion Resource Group include:
Anicca Cox | 2025 |
Elisa DiMenna | 2026 |
Tammi Duncan-Teller | 2025 |
Kat Gullahorn | 2026 |
Jordan Henson | 2025 |
Steven Romero, chair | 2026 |
Morgan Samp | 2026 |
Susan Yasenka | 2025 |
Standing Committees of Business Operations
The Staff Professional Development Committee is a standing committee of the UNM-Valencia Campus Staff Association and is charged with the responsibility of organizing, implementing and evaluating appropriate opportunities for professional development.
The membership of the Staff Professional Development Committee shall consist of five (5) staff, including one part-time staff member.
Appointments to this committee is made by the President of the Staff Association.
Members of the Staff Professional Development Committee include:
Dayanara Beltran (Staff Assn Pres) | 2025 |
Michael Carriere | 2025 |
Sarah Clawson, chair | 2025 |
Patricia Gillikin | 2025 |
Kristy Martinez | 2025 |
Laura Musselwhite | 2025 |
Summer Oakley-Salas | 2025 |
Jonathan Sims | 2025 |
Paulette Tafoya, chair | 2025 |
Amanda Thompson | 2025 |
Standing Committees of Enrollment Management and Student Success (EMSS)
Members of the Strategic Enrollment Management Committee include:
The Scholarship Committee is under the general jurisdiction of the Director of EMSS and is charged with the responsibility of:
- Setting guidelines regarding the selection criteria, application process, awarding, and distribution of UNM-Valencia scholarships; and
- Soliciting and receiving a representative pool of scholarship applicants.
Appointment to this committee is made by the Director of EMSS.
The membership of the Scholarship Committee shall consist of:
- Three (3) staff;
- Three (3) faculty; and
- One (1) student.
Members of the Scholarship Committee include:
Dayanara Beltran | 2025 |
Tammi Duncan-Teller | 2025 |
Ben Flicker | 2025 |
Cindi Goodman | 2025 |
Kat Gullahorn | 2025 |
Barbara Lovato | 2025 |
Catherine Luna (student) | 2025 |
Cory Meyer | 2025 |
Victoria Padilla, Chair | 2025 |
Paulette Tafoya | 2025 |
The Student of the Month Committee is under the general jurisdiction of the Director for Student Affairs and selects the winner of the Student of the Month Award in accordance with the award's established guidelines.
The membership of the Student of the Month Committee shall consist of:
- staff; and
- faculty
Appointment to this committee is made by the Director, Student Affairs.
Members of the Student of the Month Committee include:
Clifton Murray | 2025 |
Josh Owen | 2025 |
Morgan Samp | 2026 |
The Student Affairs Committee is under the general jurisdiction of the Director for Student Affairs and is charged with the responsibility of:
- Adhering to the policies and procedures of the Financial Assistance Satisfactory Progress Requirements;
- Adhering to the policies and procedures of the Student Grievance Procedure and the Probation/Suspension Policy as stated in the 2014-16 Valencia Campus catalog; and
- Addressing those procedures and policies in fair and timely hearings.
The membership of the Student Affairs Committee shall consist of:
- staff;
- faculty;
- student; and
- academic advisor (ex officio); and
- representative from Financial Aid
Appointment to this committee is made by the Director, Student Affairs.
Members of the Student Affairs Committee include:
Precious Andrew | 2025 |
Joseph Burgess, chair | 2025 |
Myra Makai | 2025 |
Beatriz Villa | 2025 |
Standing Committees of the Chancellor's Office
The Strategic Planning Committee is under the general jurisdiction of the Chancellor and is charged with the development and updating of a strategic plan for UNM-Valencia, taking into consideration changing socio-demographic factors and learning needs of our service area.
Members of the Strategic Planning Committee include:
Dayanara Beltran (Staff Assn President) | 2025 |
John Bollweg, ex-officio |
Armando Bustamante, ex-officio |
Eileen Davis | 2025 |
Sam Dosumu, ex-officio |
Joshua Frank Cardenas | 2026 |
Rita Garcia | 2025 |
Rick Goshorn, ex-officio |
James LaCour | 2025 |
Barbara Lovato | 2026 |
Laura Musselwhite, ex-officio, Chair |
Brittany Padilla | 2025 |
Joseph Poole | 2025 |
Veronica Salcido | 2025 |
Neil Schwartz (SGA President) | 2025 |
Stephen Takach | 2026 |
Andy Taylor (Faculty Assembly Pres) | 2025 |
The Institutional Effectiveness Advisory Committee is charged to advise IE leadership on project and research design; assist IE leadership with setting direction and priorities, with establishing campus data and research policies, and with choosing and scheduling campus-wide surveys. The group’s primary function is to ensure that the work of the IE office continues to meet the changing data and reporting needs of staff, faculty, and leadership.
Members of the Institutional Effectiveness Advisory Committee include:
John Bollweg, ex-officio, chair | |
Joseph Burgess, ex-officio | |
Ben Flicker | 2026 |
Michael Gonzales | 2026 |
Tamara Martinez, ex-officio | |
Joseph Romero, ex-officio | |
Stephen Takach | 2026 |