Student Online Learning Resources


All UNM-Valencia students will need a NetID and password to access their online class and UNM-Valencia e-mail. Create your NetID here. Also found at


Starting your first online course using Canvas? Get up and running in under 30 minutes with these overview videos. Learn how to use Canvas, set your notification preferences, use the Canvas Student app, navigate the dashboard, and access and submit assignments.

View showcase of videos in Getting Started with Canvas as a Student.


To login to a course that uses Canvas, click on the Canvas button below:



OR go to:

Communication, Privacy, and Confidentiality

All communications between the student and the instructor should use either LoboMail or the message tools in Canvas.

Finding Classes

Class at UNM-Valencia are delivered in a variety of formats for the students' convenience.

  • Online: 95% of the class is taught online. Pedagogy is designed for online environment.
  • Hybrid: 25% to 94% of the class is taught online with the remainder occurring a clearly stated times in a face-to-face classroom. Online components are pedagogically incorporated.
  • Web-Enhanced: Face-to-Face class that uses Canvas to post course materials but the online components are not pedagogically incorporated.

To identify possible online, hybrid, or web-enhanced classes, use the Schedule of Classes by Semester

  1. Select the semester.
  2. Select Branch Campus--Valencia Campus.
  3. Select "Online" or other choice from the Instructional Type in the far right hand column.

Other Useful Information

Useful Campus Links

Successful Online Student Learning Tips

Suggested Technology