Faculty Online Teaching Home
Welcome to the Faculty Online Teaching website. The pages in the menu are here to provide you with an "Online Teachers Toolkit" for teaching online, hybrid, or web-enhanced at UNM-Valencia Campus.
The Faculty Online Teaching & Review Committee maintains this website and information.
Online Teaching Polices and Procedure:
The UNM-Valencia Campus Faculty Online Teaching & Review Committee (FOTRC), in consultation with the Dean, is charged with the responsibility to:
Provide and coordinate quality assurance peer reviews of all online and hybrid courses based on the Online Learning Commission (OLC) OSCQR (Online Scorecard for Course Quality Review) rubric and review process as approved by the FOTRC.
In consultation with Division Chairs, review certification of faculty who plan to teach online and/or hybrid courses.
Provide in-house training and workshops, or coordinate professional development opportunities for faculty teaching online or hybrid courses.
Maintain and monitor an introductory orientation module/course/workshop for tudents and faculty to become familiar with the current UNM-supported Learning Management System.
For more information on any of the above points, contact the Distance Learning Coordinator, Kat Gullahorn.