Welcome to the Library
Find Books, Ebooks, DVDs, Articles, & More Using LIBROS
- Advanced search for everything
- Your Valencia Campus Library Account (Renew books here)
(1st time users need to create an account with Banner # and password.) - Request Library Password using Banner #.
UNM-Valencia Campus Library Virtual Reference Desk
This zoom link connects you with a live Librarian ready to help. Password is lowercase, library.
Open Tuesday - Thursday 12:00 pm-3:00 pm. Also by appointment.
Dial in by phone +1 346 248 7799 (US). Meeting ID: 939 1037 2104
Click Here to Schedule an Appointment with a Librarian
In-Person Hours
FALL Semester
Tomé Campus Hours
Mon - Thurs 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
WTC Campus Hours
Tues - Thurs 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED
Have Questions? Ask Us!
Contact Us
- Phone: 505.925.8990 (Tome')
505.925.8664 (WTC) - Text: 505.916.1647
- Fax: 505.925.8994
- Schedule an Appointment with a Librarian
Chat Reference - Ask a Librarian from our Facebook page.
Directions to Find Us
UNM-Valencia Campus LibraryLearning Resource Building
280 La Entrada Road
Los Lunas, NM 87031
Happening in the Library this Term
ASL Socials at the Library
A weekly voice-off conversation group for Intro to Sign students and our campus signing community. Everyone is welcome!
Curiosity Labs in the Virtual Reference Desk
1st Thursday of each month from 12:00-1:00p
Our monthly Curiosity Lab offers a deep dive into concepts we are curious about and explores the resources available to answer these questions. Bring your lunch (& your curiosity) to this casual socratic-zoom event.
Click Here to Join the Virtual Reference Desk. If prompted, the password is library. Meeting ID: 939 1037 2104
- Library has a scanner.
- Library makes your LOBO ID. More Info
- Library will borrow books/articles not owned (interlibrary loan).
- Library does not buy textbooks.
- Library has laptops and flash drives available to check-out.
- Library has a Study Room available for group study.
- Library provides Reserve Collection for class support
- Library requires your LOBO ID to borrow materials.

The Library asks that all users observe the following guidelines:- Do not use alcohol or tobacco in the library.
- Do not disrupt others with noise (loud talking, cell phones, or audible electronic devices).
- Always accompany children under the age of 15.
- Have food and drink in appropriate areas and containers.
- Do not deface or damage library materials.

- Library Doors lock 15 minutes before closing.
- Technology turns off 15 minutes before closing.

- Library has black and white and color printing available.