The Faculty Assembly
Meet Your Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) for AY 2024-2025:
Faculty Assembly President - Andisheh Dadashi
Faculty Assembly President-Elect - Piotr Filipczak
Faculty Assembly Secretary - Ian Burch
Faculty Assembly Executive Committee Members-at-Large - Joshua Frank Cardenas, Steven Romero, Gabriela Peterson
UNM-ABQ Faculty Senate Representatives for UNM-V - Justin Bendell, Steven Romero
About the Faculty Assembly from the Handbook:
A. Membership:
- All full-time and contract faculty are voting members of the Assembly.
- All instructors employed by the branch for the current semester to teach credit-bearing courses and ABE courses are voting members of the Assembly for that semester. Those employed each spring semester are also voting members until the following fall semester begins, upon which, they must be reemployed to continue their membership and voting status.
- The Director, Chief Instructional Officer (if not a faculty member), Director of Student Services, Librarian(s), Business Manager, Staff Association President, and Student Body President are non-voting, ex-officio members of the Assembly.
- Any subsequent membership issue shall be decided by a ballot and by all voting members of the Assembly.
B. Rights and Responsibilities:
- Subject to the provisions in the Faculty Constitution --Article 1, Section 2; Article II, Section 1, and Article 11, Section 4(a)--Faculty Assembly has the right of review and action in the following:
- Formulation of institutional aims.
- Creation of divisions, departments, and programs.
- Approval of major curriculum changes upon recommendation from branch campus administration and forwarding to appropriate UNM entities for final approval.
- Recommendation of standards for admission graduation, honors, scholastic performance.
- Approval of candidates for degrees.
- Procedures of appointment, dismissal, and promotion in academic rank at Valencia Campus, and administration of such procedures.
- Creation and administration of faculty academic freedom grievance procedures at Valencia Campus.
- Recommendation of action in regard to general faculty welfare.
- Officers of the Faculty Assembly or their appointees will work with the instructional Council and Advisory Board to compose the annual budget for approval by the director and Board.
C. General Procedures:
- Quorum: Members of the voting faculty present, but at least 30 % of full-time faculty, constitute a quorum at Faculty Assembly meetings.
- The Assembly and its Committees shall follow "Robert's Rules of Order" for parliamentary procedure.
- The Assembly shall meet a minimum of three times during each semester of the academic year, usually on the second Friday of the month.
A. Officers and Representatives:
1. The Assembly shall nominate and elect faculty to the following positions
- a. Faculty President - Officer
- b. Faculty Vice President - Officer
- c. Faculty Secretary -Officer
- d. Two representatives from separate discipline areas other than the faculty president's, to serve on the Faculty Executive Committee
2. The officers and representatives (a - d above) constitute the Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) of the Assembly.
3. Duties of Officers
a. The Faculty President shall,
- Preside over the Assembly as its chief Executive Officer and chair the Faculty Executive Committee.
- Represent faculty before community, college or main campus groups and officials (e.g. monthly reports to Advisory Board) where not inconsistent with Article III, Section 3 of the Faculty Constitution .
- Serve on the Instructional Council and supervise faculty administrator's evaluations issued by the Instructional council.
- Oversee any official documents issued by the Assembly.
- Appoint faculty to Assembly and Valencia Campus Standing Committees, in consultation with appropriate faculty and campus administrators, with the concurrence of the FEC.
b. The Vice President shall,
- Serve on the Executive Committee and actively assist the President.
- Perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President (at the President's request).
- Function as the Assembly and Executive Committee parliamentarian.
- Act as Treasurer, responsible for the Assembly budget and financial reports.
c. The Secretary shall,
- Serve on the Executive Committee.
- Distribute to members, Advisory Board, Administration, and others, and post announcements and documents of the Executive Committee and Assembly (e.g. minutes, agendas, policies) in a timely manner.
- Record minutes of meetings of the Assembly and Executive Committee.
- Act as custodian of official Assembly documents.
- Conduct the correspondence of the Assembly.
- Maintain a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of Assembly members and compile a phone information network, if deemed necessary, to expedite communication among Assembly members.
4. Election of Executive Committee Members
- The election of Assembly Officers and Representatives of the Executive Committee shall be conducted annually at the last regular Assembly meeting of the spring semester or at the first meeting thereafter.
- The election shall be chaired by the outgoing President of the Assembly.
- The new officers and Executive Committee shall take office immediately upon election.
- Nominations for Faculty officers and Representatives may be submitted to the Executive Committee through the Secretary before the election meeting; additional nominations may be made from the election meeting floor.
- The President, Vice President, and Secretary shall not all be from the same discipline area.
- No Executive Committee member shall also be serving at a chair level or above.
- Executive Committee Members are elected for one-year terms. If any Member resigns before the end of his/her term, the Executive Committee will temporarily fill the vacancy and hold a special election to officially fill the vacancy at the next Assembly meeting following the resignation.