Academic Year

During the academic year students will meet with the Pre-College Teacher to complete an Individual Success Plan that allows for the staff to assist students with career exploration, consideration of colleges/universities, financial aid, scholarships, pre-plan their academic career, monitor high school progress, and target personal goals.

The Upward Bound staff will also coordinate tutoring twice a week. Tutoring serves as a support in their high school academics that gives students a remark of having a supportive learning environment to achieve their goals. Our teachers from the three school sites will facilitate tutoring along with tutors.

students in class

Field Trips

Students during the academic year take two field trips, one in the fall and the other in the spring. These field trips serve as community engagement, service-learning opportunities, cultural awareness, team building, etc.


Diverse workshops are held that target academic needs, college/university exams (SAT/ACT), inspiration, mental health, nutrition, financial literacy, career exploration, guest speakers, etc. These workshops will enrich students’ motivation, study habits, skills, etc.

Upward Bound Links

Upward Bound Home
Academic Year
Summer Program
Upward Bound Information
Important Links & Forms
Upward Bound Staff
Upward Bound Resources
Frequently Asked Questions

Enlaces en español de Upward Bound

Upward Bound inicio
Año Académico
Programa de Verano
Información de Upward Bound
Enlaces y Formularios Importantes
Personal de Upward Bound
Recursos de Upward Bound
Preguntas Frecuentes

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Office Hours / Horas de la Oficina:

Monday(lunes)-Thursday(jueves)- 7:30am-5:00pm 
Friday(viernes) - 7:30am-1:30pm 


280 La Entrada
Los Lunas, NM 87031

Phone / Telefono: 505.925.8861
EMail / Correo Electrónico: Upward Bound Program