Upward Bound Resources

For Students

For Students
Sites and LinksDescriptions
University of New MexicoUNM's Web site provides information about course programs, financial aid, events, and much more.
College BoardThe College Board provides students with access to college planning, financial aid, application assistance, and the very important SAT test, a requirement when applying for many colleges and universities.
High School AceHigh School Ace provides links to subject help, homework help, reference look-up, and educational games.
The World of Math OnlineThe World of Math provides homework help, tutoring, practice, calculators and tools, and math games.

Solutions for College and Career Readiness. 


Show Universities and Colleges you are ready for the next step. 


An Alternative exam for University/College course placement. 

Dictionary.ComThis online reference provides dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, quotes, and translator services.
UNM-Valencia LibraryThis Web site provides access to the library services at the UNM-Valencia Library.

For Family

For Family
Sites and LinksDescriptions
FAFSAThe FAFSA is the federal application for financial aid, but it is also used to apply for aid from other sources, such as your state or school.
The Gates ScholarshipScholarship opportunity. 
Coca-Colar Scholars FoundationThe Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation supports more than 1,400 exceptional college students each year, with annual scholarships of $3.55 million awarded through three (3) nationally recognized programs.
Taco Bell Foundation

Live Más Scholarship awards students nationwide. 

New Mexico Higher Education DepartmentResource center for students and their families seeking scholarships and grants for higher education. 
NMEAF ScholarshipsFoundation that assists with FAFSA application and helps piece financial assistance through your higher education career. 
Hispanic Chamber of Valencia County

Local Valencia County scholarships, helping students from local high schools and UNM-Valencia. 

U.S. Department of EducationThe Department of Education's Web site provides information on government education programs and policies, research, funding, news, and links to sources for money for college.
Hispanic Association of Colleges and UniversitiesThe Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities provides information on advocacy issues, scholarship opportunities, and job opportunities.
Native American Scholarship FundCatching the Dream strives to help improve the quality of life in Indian communities through the higher education of Indian people. 

Upward Bound Links

Upward Bound Home
Academic Year
Summer Program
Upward Bound Information
Important Links & Forms
Upward Bound Staff
Upward Bound Resources
Frequently Asked Questions

Enlaces en español de Upward Bound

Upward Bound inicio
Año Académico
Programa de Verano
Información de Upward Bound
Enlaces y Formularios Importantes
Personal de Upward Bound
Recursos de Upward Bound
Preguntas Frecuentes

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Office Hours / Horas de la Oficina:

Monday(lunes)-Thursday(jueves)- 7:30am-5:00pm 
Friday(viernes) - 7:30am-1:30pm 


280 La Entrada
Los Lunas, NM 87031

Phone / Telefono: 505.925.8861
EMail / Correo Electrónico: Upward Bound Program