UNM-Valencia Library: Information For Faculty

Reserve Collection

Course Reserves provide students with easy access to class materials.

  • You provide/identify the materials (textbooks, homework solutions, readings, etc.)
  • You choose the access time period (2 hours, overnight, 1 week, etc.)
  • Reserve Request Form is available here or at the Circulation Desk. Allow 24 hours for processing.
  • For questions, contact Cory Meyer by email, phone at 925-8992 or at the Library.

Purchase Requests

Dr. Barbara Lovato, the Library Director, will order additional materials to support the classes you teach.
Please call 925-8991 or email her with your suggestions. The Library does not usually buy textbooks.


Use and services involving copyrighted materials in the Library may be permitted when
  • the material is in the public domain;
  • the copyright owner gives permission for use;
  • a contract or licensing agreement allows the use;
  • use is covered by special provisions in the law for libraries and archives (17 U.S.C. §108);
  • use is determined to be "fair use" as defined by 17 U.S.C.§107;
Classroom use of copyrighted materials may also be permitted through the "Classroom Use Exception" (17 U.S.C. §110(1)), "fair use", or the TEACH Act (17 U.S.C.§110(2)).
Additional links that may be helpful:

ID Cards

A LOBOCARD is required for checking out materials or requesting interlibrary loans. The Library creates these IDs in house.

Class Syllabi

Please email a copy of your syllabi for posting on the Class Syllabi page.

Printing and Scanning

  • The Library has a KIC scanner station that will scan high quality images and deliver electronically to email, cloud or usb.
  • The Library has color printing available. The default print is double-sided.
  • The Library has dvd and vhs players, large format printer, microfiche readers, and a typewriter available for use.


Faculty members have access to more databases than students.
If you want your students to look at an article or use a particular database, please check availablity on one of these pages:

Some databases require accounts to be established on campus and almost all require authentication off-campus;
check the Database Password List for further information. If your "library" webpage identifies Valencia Campus on the top--it is one of ours. If it doesn't, try to find our equivalent page or contact us.

Interlibrary Loan

The Library will borrow materials it does not own for you or your students.

You may also use Library Express from UNM ABQ Campus Libraries.

Library Instruction and Tours

The Library provides information literacy instruction as requested in a variety of means to suit your classroom requirements.

  • in the classroom or over Zoom
  • coordination of instructional support in online classes
  • customized modules for your Canvas courses
  • assistance with reading material, resource identification, and lesson development
  • tours of available collections and technologies in the Library.

  Schedule your class anytime.

We'll meet in your classroom, the library, or over Zoom.   Each session has dedicated time for students to practice the skill(s) presented in the lesson. Blackboard modules are available to embed in your online course. Faculty and Librarian may co-design a lesson that meets both instructional needs and ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Instruction sessions should be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. 

Possible topics might include:

  • topic selections, keyword development, evaluating sources,
  • search strategies for library databases or open web,
  • discovering and accessing online resources,
  • exploring Library resources relevant to class assignments,
  • citation and bibliography, plagiarism and responsible use of information.

The following information literacy standards may be helpful