Summer Program
Students take several core curriculum enhancement courses (mathematics, literature, composition, science, & foreign language) while also taking elective like courses that targets self-efficacy, grit, motivation, wellness, nutrition, and many others. The summer program is designed to prepare and inspire students to continue to the next grade level and later transition to a university/college. Students are required to attend the full 6 weeks on campus to get the most inspiration, knowledge, and motivation.
Creative Problem Solving
Students work collectively and collaboratively to innovate their learning while incorporating their abilities and skills. Students will implement their past learned knowledge to the new skills they will be currently learning. The Upward Bound teachers and staff will actively engage students to ensure active learning.
Service Learning
Creating the sense of community by learning from different vocations and fields. Students would be exposed to various ways to integrate active learning and reflect on activities that assists them by deepening their understanding.