Resources for English 110/111/112/113/120
Research Process
- Choose your topic.
- Brainstorm on your topic.
- Create your search strategy.
- Search for resources.
- Evaluate.
- Search again and evaluate.
- Use the information for your paper.
Argumentative Essay Process
- Thesis
- Research Process Steps 1-2
- Choose your topic and brainstorm.
- Evidence
- Research Process Steps 3-5
- Create search statement, search and evaluate.
- Refutation
- Research Process Steps 3-5
- Concluding Statement
- Research Process Steps 6
- Use your information.
Tips for Essay Models
- Argumentative Essay Model
- Cause and Effect
- Classification and Division Essay Model
- Comparison and Contrast Essay Model
- Definition Essay Model
- Descriptive Essay Model
- Evaluative Model
- Exemplification Essay Model
- Literary Analysis Model
- Narrative Essay Model
- Position (persuasive) Model
- Process Essay Model
- Proposal Model
- Rebuttal Model
- Rhetorical Model
- Rogerian Argument
- Toulmin Logic Argument
Research Process
1. Choose your topic.
- Interesting to you.
- Meets requirements of the assignment
- Neither too large or too small
2. Brainstorm on this topic.
- Create a model for your topic.
- Identify where you will need information or visuals.

- Use W Questions.
- Use Biographical Questions
- Use a concept mapper.
- Concept mapping (source is Northwest Missouri State)
- Spicynodes
- Mindmup
- bubbl us
- Coggle It
- Creately
3. Create a search statement.
- Use important words or phrases from the concept map.
- Connect words and phrases with correct Boolean logic (and, or, not).
- Put phrases in quotation marks "".
- Use truncation * for work endings.
- Use variant spellings (theater or theatre).
- For people search both "Last name, first name" or "First name Last Name".
See Searching tips.- Search Generator
- Search Strategy Builder
- Search Generator UofM
- Practice tutorials from Northwestern Missouri State Owens Library are listed below:

4. Search for Information
5. Evaluate results.

- Timeliness
- Relevance
- Authority
- Purpose
Useful Websites and Handout
6. Use your sources.
Is it plagiarism?
Info on Annotated Bibliographies

Is it cited properly?
- MLA Handbook (PN203 .G53 2016 Library Reserve)
- Pocket Style Manual by Diana Hacker (On Reserve at the Library).
- MLA Style and Formating (Purdue Owl)
- MLA Rules (UNM-Valenica Campus Library)
- MLA 8th ed. guide (EasyBib)
- MLA Style Center
- APA help from APA
- APA style from Sacramento State University Library
- APA style from the Purdue Owl
- OWL Purdue Writing Lab
- Citation Fox
- KnightCite (Calvin College)