UNM-Valencia Library:
 Searching and Evaluation in Sociology

Activity 1--Searching

Scenario: The assignment is to find sources relating to potential differences between rural and urban poverty. Some of the questions that might be explored would include these. Are there differences in the challenges the urban poor face versus those facing rural poor. Is the access and quality of health care for children different in rural areas versus urban areas in the United States? Which population has access to better food and consequently a better diet? Which group has better economic opportunities? Is poverty multi-generational in one of these environments? What survival and coping strategies work best in each environment? Is the family structure typically different in a rural versus urban environment? Is there a difference in perception of rural versus urban poverty?

Activity 2--Debrief




  • Identify place and put it in quotes if necessary ("New Mexico").
  • Use truncation * (teen*).
  • Use multiple search boxes.
  • Do not use small works in phrases like "in" "to".
  • Do you need full text now?
  • Identify your population.
  • Use fields(Subjects, Title, Anywhere).
  • Limit by date.
  • Limit by type of publication

Activity 3--Searching Revisited

  1. Each group chooses a database and searches for an article on the topic below.
  2. Show your search strategy and article to the librarian/professor.
  3. Revise as necessary.

Scenario 3: Find scholarly articles relating to the use of prisons to deter drug use and its related crimes. Does incarceration for misdemeanor crimes change behavior of addicts? Is gender or ethnicity an issue in prison sentences for drug related crimes? Would rehabilitation be less costly? What is the toll on the family structure when one of the parents is jailed for a drug offense? How often do individuals convicted of drug possession crimes re-offend if sentenced to prison versus a rehabilitation programs?