UNM-Valencia Library: Searching Exercise

Class Activity

  1. Click Guides and open STEM Resources in new tab.
  2. Open the ProQuest STEM Database in new tab.
  3. Use either the computer with new tab or your phone. Go to classlab.com and enter Class ID and your names.

Class Resources

The Research Process

  1. Choose your topic.
  2. Create your search strategy.
  3. Search for resources.
  4. Evaluate.
  5. Search again and evaluate.
  6. Use the information for your paper.

Practice Searching: Tips

  • Use a different box for each concept of your search topic.
  • Use limiters for to select fulltext, or peer-review.
  • Revise your search based on results.
  • Limit also by date, subject, or words in title.

Evaluating Sources

  • How does the source support my assignment?
  • What have I learned from the source?
  • How could I use the source in my reports?